Don't you love options? This pack of various sized stud earrings surely delivers!??Do not leave the product directly in sunlight and avoid contact with water, lotion, and perfume. This kind of jewelry may tarnish over time if it is not properly taken care of.
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Elaryan Hoop earrings Metal | 84390AUNG
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Zodia Necklace Zlaté | 68012JVNI
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Zodia Necklace Zlaté | 47509ZNLU
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Ringot Ring Zlaté | 05426XLMD
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Rottemburg Ring Stříbrné | 98624YBOW
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Elbelia Bracelet Zlaté | 16809XLRD
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Lothaudith Earrings Stříbrné | 92745CYTZ
Dámské Fine Jewelry Aldo Acoenad Bacelet Zlaté | 34980NLXP